
Win a trip to Australia in 2025 - EXTENDED
Sign up for a new AACC Pacific Northwest membership, or renew your membership before Wednesday 15 January, 2025 to be eligible to win two round-trip Qantas airfares to Australia.

Australians and New Zealanders commemorate Anzac Day in Seattle
Members of the Australian, New Zealand and Turkish communities in the greater Seattle region gathered for an Anzac Day dawn service on Sunday 21 April.

Member deal: 50% off MyWinehunter museum stock
MyWinehunter, a friend of the AACC Pacific Northwest, is offering 50% off museum stock for AACC members.

2024 Australia Day Party at The Barrel Thief
AACC Pacific Northwest would like to thank everybody who turned out for our Australia Day Party on Sunday 28 January at The Barrel Thief in Seattle.

Win a trip to Australia with Qantas
Sign up for a new AACC Pacific Northwest membership, or renew your membership before Friday 26 January, 2024, to be eligible to win two free Qantas airfares to Australia!

AACC Pacific Northwest holds its 2023 Annual General Meeting
AACC Pacific Northwest held its Annual General Meeting virtually on Monday 11 December, 2023.

AACC PNW President joins WA trade mission to Australia
AACC Pacific Northwest President Martin Gorman accompanied the recent Washington State Office of the Governor’s trade mission to Australia.
The chamber partnered with the Governor’s office to further Australia-Washington relations, and to contribute to the planning of the mission.

AACC PNW hosts Sundowner with WA Governor’s office
AACC Pacific Northwest held a joint Sundowner networking event in partnership with the Washington State Office of the Governor on Tuesday 24 October.
Business and government leaders came together ahead of Washington’s upcoming Study and Trade Mission to Australia in November.