AACC Pacific Northwest

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Help Build Seattle’s Australian Community

As we launch the Australian American Chamber of Commerce Pacific Northwest, we are looking for people to join us in our quest to build a stronger, engaging, and social Australian community. As we build up our transitionary board, we are looking for volunteers to either join a committee or sub-committee to help grow our membership, coordinate social events, or even join as a sitting board member.

Our vision is to bring together Seattle’s great Australian community of ex-pats, work nationally with our sister AACC chapters and work towards the re-establishment of a permanent consular service in Washington state. We are looking to cater to both family-oriented social events, dinners and celebrating Australian holidays, as well as professional Australians, through engaging seminars and talks.

If you are interested in joining, or helping out with select events, please reach out to secretary@aacc-pnw.org.