Recent Community Survey Results

Two months ago we undertook a Seattle/King County community survey, across Facebook as well as known Australian social media channels, and wanted to share the results and our analysis with you. Our purpose as we kick off the AACC body, we wanted to get a good sense of our community demographics, so that we can cater to events that are broadly appealing and inclusive.

In the first question, we got 84 responses as to whether you identify as an Australian, New Zealander, or American with connetions to Australia or New Zealand, and over 82% responded back as Australian, with almost equal amount 8-9.5% New Zealand or American.

We also found a wide range of ages in the survey, showing a mix of younger professionals, families, and more senior folks.

We also found a reasonably even split between those surveyed having kids under aged 16 and under, and those that didn’t.

We also found an equally diverse preferences for where events would be hosted geographicallyl amongst Seattle itself and Eastside/Bellevue areas.

Finally, when asked what kind of events people would like to see (with those surveyed able to choose more than one option), we socialized events and consular support to be the two most prominent, followed by professional events at 40.5%.

We wanted to thank you for your participation in this survey, and we certainly hear you. While we will be conducting surveys from time to time, we also urge you to follow us on social media and send us messages and comments so that we can hear from you directly.

Doron Katz

Software Engineer for over 14 years, and technical project manager for over 4 years.
Author of books such as Continuous Delivery for Mobile (Packt), as well as various LinkedIn Learning video courses.

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