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Food tech startup Vow wants to make Australia a world leader in cultured meat

Meat is delicious. Whether you choose to eat meat or not, you know it’s bloody good food.

This is why I, and billions of others, eat meat.

And it’s why a staggering 339 million tonnes of meat were eaten globally in 2021, up 5% from 2020.

But meat production is deeply problematic. From land clearing, to water use, to the rising zoonotic disease outbreaks, to the repeated mass culling of diseased animals, our growing appetite for meat is creating increasingly dire problems.

We are shielded from much of this here in Australia. Our meat is world-class in its quality, safety, and sensory experience, hence why Australian beef and lamb are proudly displayed on international menus from Singapore to Japan, to China to the US.

Read the full article in SmartCompany.